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Improvements to the RC505

In May 2015 there was a discussion by the world's top beatboxing loopers on The Loop Station Facebook page about improvements that could be made to the BOSS RC-505 loopstation. Equally, these improvements apply to any other future looping device for beatboxers. Here are the results. If you have more suggestions please join in the conversation!


The RC-505 has input FX (that can be recorded) and output FX that can be applied to tracks.

  • The ability to bounce down the output FX on a track (not just the repeat/shift/scatter/flick)
  • More Input and Output FX - e.g. Distortion, Synth, Tracking Octave, Stereo Delay, Subharmonic Synth
  • The ability to select more than one input FX simultaneously. e.g. reverb + delay
  • To have the FX in alphabetical order
  • The addition of a Feedback Destroyer to help combat feedback issues when using a mic


  • Stronger faders - better build quality
  • Fabricated out of metal and not plastic - better build quality
  • Pads closer to each other so the user can hit 5 pads with each finger on one hand
  • Separate audio outputs for each track
  • Two sets of stereo outputs for extra routing of sub and main (aka RC300)

Core Functionality

  • Stereo Mixdown (bouncedown to two tracks)
  • The USB output signal should be divided into independent tracks for mastering
  • The ability to move or bounce loops from one track to another (with mic on mute to prevent feedback being recorded)
  • More loop channels - e.g. 10.


  • Touch screen for the edit and menu options
  • Larger menu screen


  • When using the track FX, the ability to enter the FX menu without changing/stopping the current FX
  • When selecting sys:InputLineOut (off) - the mic should still be audible in the headphones.
  • More quick-select FX buttons for input and output FX
  • Ability to choose which tracks you want to stop when you press the "all start/stop" button
  • Ability to quickly change the track settings - e.g. loops to samples
  • Keep FX on-screen when being used.
  • When undo or redo loop allow FX to be activated (without having to hit exit)
  • Ability to customise and reorder edit menus - e.g. favourite choices could be put in the first menu slot
  • Quick deleting of loops

Loop Editing

  • Ability to move/trim start and stop of a loop so you can fix errors on stage without unde/re-recording


  • Sort the bug that stops play when you've recorded a 1 beat bar on the first pad and then recorded 4 bars on the second pad.


  1. NomadApe 9 May, 2017 at 17:26

    Aye to all these improvements! Especially th independent tracks when using USB output. It would be like a super high-tech sound card/mixing table! And also Greg’s idea to have metronome through headphones only. Also it should have USB type-C for faster data transmission.
    (I know it’s 2017, but still looking forward to the next model) cheers!

  2. Matt 28 July, 2015 at 09:56

    You can indeed output the rhythm to the headphones only, and the last 2 rhythm patterns are metronomes.

    In the Rhythm Edit menu (button next to the rhythm select knob), change Rhythm:LineOut to Off

  3. Greg 18 June, 2015 at 16:51

    The ability to play a metronome through headphones only would be good, starting a track with something like a bassline or melodies is tough to keep tight without a beat

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