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Recording Tips

by TyTe


Here are some tips to make your audio postings sound better...

Making the Recording

1. When recording, make sure there is as little background noise as possible. Turn down and off any unused inputs to stop extra hiss getting on the recording.

2. If you can, choose a resolution of 16-bits and a sample-rate of 44.1kHz and mono. Always record at the best quality you can and convert it down later. There's also little point in recording freestyle beatbox in stereo if you can help it.

3. Make sure you record into the computer as loud as it will go before going into the red.

Most recording programs let you monitor the input level.

For example, in CoolEdit2000:

  • select the Options>Monitor Record Level from the menu
  • check your input level

4. Record a bit of total silence at the beginning of your recording so you can noise reduce it later.

Post Production

5. Noise reduce the recording. Some software programs, such as CoolEdit, allow you to noise reduce. This means digitally subtracting background hiss from the audio. (AUDIO + HISS) - HISS = AUDIO !

For example, in CoolEdit2000:

  • highlight the bit of silence at the beginning of the recording
  • select the Transform>Noise Reduction>Noise Reduction from the menu
  • click Get Noise Profile from Selection and hit CLOSE
  • highlight the whole recording
  • select the Transform>Noise Reduction>Noise Reduction from the menu
  • click OK

6. Normalize the recording. This will turn it up to its maximum digital volume. This is 0db (zero decibels) on digital recording systems.

For example, in CoolEdit2000:

  • highlight the whole thing
  • select the Transform>Amplitude>Normalise from the menu
  • click OK

7. Trim the recording. Chop off any unwanted audio at the beginning and end of the recording.

8. Convert to mono if it is stereo.

For example. in CoolEdit2000:

  • highlight the whole thing
  • select the Edit>Convert Sample Type from the menu
  • check it reads mono and 50% in both the Left and Right boxes
  • click OK
  • click OK

9. Add any FX you want or need.

10. Save as a Windows WAV or Apple AIF file . This is your good quality backup.

Saving as an MP3 for posting

11. You will need to choose an MP3 format.

For example, in CoolEdit2000:

  • select the File>Save as from the menu
  • select MP3 from the save as type
  • click on the OPTIONS tab
  • select your format from the list and click OK
  • don't save yet!!

Note on Formats: If you choose a format with a sample rate S/R that is less than 44100 then you will need to convert down to this sample rate before saving as an MP3. You can go ahead and save but if you do the conversion first it will sound better. Also, avoid 8-bit resloution formats. If you want to go ahead and save hit OK otherwise hit cancel and go to the next stage...

12. Convert the sample rate.

For example, in CoolEdit2000:

  • highlight the whole thing
  • select the Edit>Convert Sample Type from the menu
  • check the Sample Rate box reads the same number as the MP3 format rate you selected. e.g. 32000
  • click OK

13. Now go back and save as your MP3 as in stage 11.

14. Check it plays back okay!

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