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Cebu Elite Beatboxers United ( Philippines )

Cebu Elite Beatboxers United (C.E.B.U.), established in 2010, is the community of beatboxers that represent the artform in the Queen City of the South, Cebu. It is under the Filipino Beatbox Community that extends to all Filipino beatboxers worldwide. The group is aimed to bring a sense of community to local beatboxers and to even those that appreciate the art form.

CEBU is non-exclusive, which means that pretty much everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age, gender and skill level. Performances that bear the group's name are for formality's sake and are not mandatory to its members. In the end, we hope that CEBU would be a catalyst of bringing the art of human beatboxing to whole new levels in the local scene and beyond.

For those who wish to be included in the performance and/or jamming roster, please contact Jom Jom Po or Ren Campbell via Facebook.

Affiliations: FBC (Filipino Beatbox Community), PHBA (Philippine Human Beatbox Alliance)


Cebu Elite Beatboxers United’s vision is to be one of the leading beatbox communities in Asia and a premier performance group in Cebu and the Philippines. We seek to be recognized as a sought-out community of excellent beatboxers, being the best they can be.

1. Facilitate Cebu's local beatbox scene and raise the standards of the art
2. Continually improve on our techniques and skills not only as beatboxers, but as musical artists and performers
3. Create a positive impact in the lives of individuals, our local community, and society
4. Cultivate a culture that encourages and inspires brilliance and excellence within ourselves and people around us

- Be known worldwide as the first local Filipino beatbox community to hold a beatbox convention in the Philippines
- Support events that benefit the people's welfare
- Promote our talents

Much love and respect to all beatboxers! God bless!

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