THE DANISH HUMAN BEATBOX CHAMPIONSHIP takes place on September 6th in Pumpehuset (venue). The price is 60dkk for pre-order and 90dkk at the door (including after party). The after party alone is 50dkk at the door.
Tickets are available at:
Battle guidelines:
Eliminations (In case of more than 8 contestants): 1x90 seconds each.
Quater finals: 4x2 contestants, 2x90 seconds each.
Semi finals: 2x2 contestants, 2x90 seconds each.
Small finals (for 3rd place): 2 contestants, 2x90 seconds each.
Grand Finals: 2 contestants, 2x90 seconds each.
Doors open at 18.00
Championships start at 19.00
19:00 - 19:50 Eliminations
19:50 - 20:00 Dj KCL
20:00 - 20:40 Quarter finals
20:40 - 20:50 Showcases - Roxorloops + Hobbit + Simon Adel
20:50 - 21:00 Dj KCL
21.00 - 21:10 Hobbit Loopstation Set
21:10 - 21:15 Dj KCL
21:15 - 21:35 Semi finals
21:35 - 21:45 Small finals
21:45 - 21:55 Grand Finals
21:55 - 22:05 Awards ceremony
22:05 - 22.15 Thorsen Loopstation Set
22:15 - ??:?? CRAZY DJ AFTER PARTY
House Dj - Dj KCL
Judges: Hobbit - Roxorloops - Simon Adel - Bee Low
DJ Bes
Dj SuB-C
DJ Lkm
Sponsers: Street INK - Roland - Dansk musiker forbund - Drop Dead - Pelle Pelle - Pumpehuset