• Drum-and-bass-beatbox-tutorial

    Drum and Bass Beat Pattern

    Learn the Drum and Bass Beatbox Beat Drum and Bass is one of the most popular beats in the beatbox world, and rightly so. The energetic tempo calls for fun ...
  • Clop and Hollow Clop

    Clops and Hollow Clops The clop is the sound when the tongue hits the bottom of the mouth hard enough to make a sound. This sound can range in difficulty ...
  • Tooth Chirp

    The Tooth Chirp is a high pitch sound created when the tongue pushes air between the teeth and lips. This is a non-breathing sound and the pitch can be modulated ...

    The tennis pop is a popping sound created when the lower lips smack away from the upper teeth. The name is derived from the fact it sounds like a tennis ...
  • Polyphonic Overtone Singing

    Tuvan overtone singing, also known as polyphonic singing or throat singing, is a vocal technique that creates two different tones through the resonance created by the airflow of sound through ...
  • Teeth Lip Roll

    The teeth lip roll is an alternate lip roll created through a vibration created by biting down on the bottom lip. This technique was popularized by Mr. Wobbles. How it's ...
  • Laser

    The laser sound is similar to the 'pew pew' laser noise made in old space films. This is a versatile sound that can be executed in various ways and can ...
  • Drag Whistle | Mexican Whistle | Throat Whistle

    The drag whistle is a high pitch whistle created by the tongue and the roof of your mouth. This sound was popularized by the likes of Beat Rhino and TylaDubya. How ...
  • Tooth Whistle

    The tooth whistle is a mouth position that creates a high pitch screeching noise. How it's done Do the 'f" sound and prolong it While you're making the 'ffffff' sound, ...
  • Bronix or Zeqoh Zwii

    The zwii sound is a fat, squeaky, and multi-layered sound made popular by Bronix and Zeqoh. How it's done Smile with your teeth Place the middle of your bottom lip ...